Monday 6 October 2014

Personal Journal

New blog, new me. At least that's what I hope to achieve anyways.
It's funny how things change, if you told me a year ago that I would be writing personal journal to write down my memories, thoughts and emotions I would have simply laughed in your face. I guess that since I have just started a new chapter of my life here at university, I might as well document it. I mean who knows if my life will ever be this interesting again?

I've been at university exactly 24 days now, not that I'm counting or anything. So much has and hasn't changed whilst I've been here. Lets start with freshers week shall we?
Aaah, the infamous freshers week: a week filled with alcohol, hangovers and partying. Wrong. My freshers week was no where near as crazy as my friends told me it would be. I mean sure, I had a few good nights out but all in all it wasn't the 'let's go ape shit crazy since we finally have freedom from our parents' that I was promised.

First night I got here my flatmates and I decided to attend this so called beach party in the other hall nearby, it was at this bar and lets just say that the beach decorations could do with a little more attention. Me being excited to go out for the first time decided to quickly change into a denim dress after having dinner with my parents at a restaurant near by. Sending them off was not as emotional as I expected, no tears were shed and not even a memorable 'goodbye' was said. Then again, they only live 2 hours away so it's not like it was the end of the world. Anyways, back to the beach party. I had initially forgot my wallet in my room so I told my flatmates to go on without me, on my way back down to the courtyard where we would meet the others and walk down as a group I met some lovely girls who were intact living in the halls next door. Similar to me, they actually put effort into their outfits and even went the extra mile and wore a lie/garland. We decided to walk to the courtyard together however I decided I would go with my flatmates instead, since it was our first night together I didn't really wanna leave them. This may have been the biggest mistake I have ever made, but more on that later.

We arrived at the beach party, got some drinks then awkwardly tried to mingle with others. I have never been the outgoing type, in fact I would describe myself as somewhat of an introvert therefore socialising was never my strong point. But man, was I a lot better that my other flatmates. they were literally just standing there, not even attempting to talk to others, so it was all up to me. We spoke to a few people that night but ended up speaking to some lovely girls, 2 of which I am close friends with now, and went back to their flat for some cake. Crazy night huh? We basically just chilled the night there then headed back to the flat by 11:30. And that folks was my first night at uni, not very eventful at all.

The rest of freshers may need to be on a whole post of its own, as there are too many encounters that I want to mention. I really should have started this blog 24 days ago, but hey I was busy then. Funny thing is that one of the reasons that inspired me to start posting is the show 'Awkward.' lame I know, but its a good show and you never know, maybe I'll meet my Matty/Jake during this year as my blog progresses.